Andrea Frank
Ports and Ships
Ports and Ships

FLORA AND FAUNA, 2011 - 13
(installation variations ongoing)

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For this body of work, I reproduced plant and animal specimens from Natural History Museums and other collections in photography, which where then sandwich mounted between sheets of Plexi and laser-cut. The resulting calcified looking objects raise questions about scientific analysis and inquiry at the cost of live observation and connection. The installations interrogate our continually more distant relationship to nature and its system, and our loss of understanding of kinship and deep entanglement with the living world around us.

In exhibition context, pieces from different series are often juxtaposed with other thematically related bodies of work, and arranged to best respond to the installation site.
All pieces were produced at the M.I.T. Media Lab, Cambridge, MA.

Installation views at UNF Gallery of Art, Jacksonville, FL

Andrea Frank